So I ran over to walmart to get some cat food because I ran out, and I was in line with my cat food behind some woman with a 1,000 items and someone grabs my basket. So I look up and its my uncle pat. So I'm standing there talking to Pat and he said Grandma is around somewhere. So I asked him if he was still going to come to my wedding if mother wasnt going to come. He said:
"Why would her not coming have anything to do with me?"
So at least I still have someone in my family who thinks my mother not coming is not the end of the world.
While I'm talking to him, I told him that I had called my brother to ask him about the wedding and that he had hung up on me and said not to call again.
He said that he could care less if he never saw my brother again because thats the way he is.
My uncle lived with my mom and brother for awhile so I'm sure he understands what I'm dealing with.
So while we are standing there, my grandma walks over and I say hi, then i ask her if she is going to come to my wedding, and she said "I have to think about it, I don't know"
My uncle said, that the question was a simple yes or no question and she should be able to answer it.
So she said that "Its a long time away so she shouldn't have to answer now."
so they left and my uncle gave me a hug
I just wish that my grandma would come because while my mom annoys me and I dont care if she goes, I really care if my grandma goes.
but I'm not going to risk that my mom is going to come and cause a scene like she did at jenns wedding.
Why do people have to choose sides? its not like its anything new that my mom and I dont get along. I think the fact that my mom isn't coming is between my mom and me. I don't think people should start taking sides. This is a big event in my life and if they want to miss it, then so be it. I just wish it just didn't make me so upset. I should be happy that I'm getting married. Its just a big mess.