Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not going to go...

What is it with my family that they want to create drama?

I called MW Tux to make sure all the groomsmen had been fitted as our deadline date was yesterday. Of course, my brother hadn't been fitted yet. So I sent him an email asking why he hadn't gone down.

10 minutes later, I get an email from my mom saying that since she was undecided if she was coming, my brother decided he wasn't going to come unless she was going to come.

So apparently just because its my wedding isn't enough pull for my own brother. So I wrote them both back and said that its an invitation not a subpeona and that if they both didn't want to come, fine whatever. I wasn't going to force them to go. That they should only go if they want to go... which apparently they didn't.

Since we have to give our headcount to the venue on Friday, I'm going to not include them. I'm sick of all this drama. Either people need to come or not come, but I am not going to beg people to go.

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