Saturday, August 25, 2007

spoiled brat

I had to go over to my mom's house tonight to drop something off. She totally blew off our Florist Appointment today, even though she was supposed to go. I sat there waiting for her for 15 minutes before we had to start the appointment.

So I get to her house and she starts arguing with me over money.

Then she said that if she can't invite anyone she wants, then she :

1. won't come to the wedding


2. won't give us any money.

Well Aaron and I talked it over last night and he said that he was half betting she wouldn't give us the money anyways because she always gets mad at me and threatens to cut me off and etc. So he wasn't really counting on her money anyways - which i thought we were.. but I guess we aren't, and if the guest list goes up all the other stuff will go up too.. like:

We'd need more Chair covers
The Cake costs would go up
We'd need more Favors
We'd need more centerpieces
We'd need more china
We'd need more linens
We'd need more invitations

and once we factor in all that, her offer of money isn't going to be THAT much and if she doesn't understand that, then whatever...

and if she doesn't want to come to my wedding because she's being a spoiled brat because ALL of her million friends can't come then I'm not going to stress over it. She is NOT going to ruin my wedding like she did my sister's wedding - by throwing a tantrum over every little thing, getting drunk and making a few scenes.

Why can't my mom just be happy for me?!? and try not to stress me out.

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