Friday, May 16, 2008

The flakiest bridesmaid ever

So Tasha, of course, doesn't go on Wednesday to get her dress.

Aaron's dad waited with me for half an hour while we tried to figure out where she was and why she wasn't answering her phone. We gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was on her way (or rather dave did because he doesn't know how flaky she can be..) Dave was driving me - partly because he has a bigger car and partly because then I wouldnt have to pay for gas for the trip - starbucks has been paying very minimally lately due to cut hours.

Anyways. So no return calls, no text messages..etc.

So we finally leave at 10:30.

When I'm walking through my door 2 hours later, she finally text messages me back with some excuse about how her boyfriend is sick and blah blah blah.

So I was just going to leave it.

Then she keeps text messaging me about how sorry she is..etc. That if we can go sometime this week again, she'll drive etc.

So i say fine, lets go friday because I have the day off.

So we decide on 10:30. She'll be driving because she offered and thats the only way I'm going. I'm not wasting my gas driving down there when she keep flaking.

Its 10:02 right now.

Guess who text messaged me asking for money? Tasha. She had came over and cleaned a couple of weeks ago in return for money... but I also did an essay for her class for her. I know bad.. So i thought that was payment. So I tell her that. I also told her that she borrowed money from me a week ago but never showed up to help clean like she was supposed to.

So then she's like well I don't have enough gas to go.

I said I didn't either thats why Dave drove on Wednesday. Sorry.

1. Don't offer to drive and then ask me to pay for gas, when its your fault you didn't go when we had a ride.

I'm kind of pissed that I even have to go back to that place.

So now, she says if we wait until noon hopefully the mail will come and she's expecting a check.

Yeah whatever.

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