Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wedding invitations

Do people actually pay attention to what the wedding invitations look like?

I'm waivering back and forth between getting fancy pretty invites like I want..

like this:

I even got the girl who made these to say she would make these for me if I wanted... but the price is really high.

Or i can get a simple plain invite - like this:

and dress it up myself with a pocket I could purchase myself:

This is an example of what someone did in one of the wedding forums:

Something like this:

this is what I did with one of my sample pocketfold I have:

Plain metallic pocketfold:
Friends invitation pieces inside to give an idea of what it would look like:

Random ribbon I had laying around, not the color I would use:

So for 60 invites for the custom ones, it would be $430 plus shipping

We would be pushing it with 60 invites...especially if later I decide to invite my mom.

We would ideally need 75 invites... but that would be $520.. almost $100 more.

So we could put them in the folders, for less than $100.

So it would be about $300 for 100 invites, instead of $450 for 60.

This would be kind of like what the invites looks like.. I really like that this invite is really shimmery... I'm sure we could dress it up more too.

What do you think?

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