Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Invitation proofs

I got my wedding invitation proofs today from Wedding Paper Divas. We ordered on Sunday night, so it was about a 2 day turnaround...

Here are the proofs. Can anyone proof read them and let me know if I need to make corrections?

I would really appreciate it!

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-Notes: I'm kind of worried that if I send my mom an invite (we aren't talking right now), that she'll be offended that Aaron's dad is on it, but not her... but I also don't want my mom's name on there since we haven't ever really gotten along and right now she's being a b****. On the other hand, Aaron insists that his dad's name be on there.

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Notes: I'm kind of unsure that I really like how I've worded the accepts/declines line... but I dont know what to do to fix it. They also didn't change the colors like they were supposed to.

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Notes: Should I put east? or left/right? Do most people know which way East is? should it be capitalized? etc.
Is the hotel info good? Should there be more/less info?
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