Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She's baaack

I haven't spoken to my mom in a year - that includes email etc...

So yesterday I was a little shocked to get an email from her. Originally she had offered that her friend was a photographer and would shoot our wedding for free. While it seemed like a good deal - I still wanted to see pictures. I didn't want to just say okay and get crap pictures. We would be willing to pay someone for some nice pictures. Anyways, she never got back to me about anything, then we stopped talking and nothing ever came up....

So yesterday, she emails me and says her friend was wondering if he is still shooting our wedding.

We have three months left until our wedding... we booked a photographer in January. What made her ask now?

Did she think we were just going to leave everything until the last minute? Sorry but we are a little more organized than that.

So I write her back and tell her that we have already booked a photographer.

So she writes back - well he was FREE.

Well whoop de doo. If she's not coming to the wedding, why would her friend still be free? Plus he was flaky and never called her back when she was calling him... I dont have a way to get a hold of him and he never dropped his photo albums off.. plus we never even met him.

Anyways. I'm inclined just to not reply instead of sending some snarky email about why she would think we would wait until the last minute to find a photographer and how she should have brought it up sooner. I don't know..

edit: I think what happened was my sister told her about the whole invitation thing and she decided to make it look like she was helping in some way. That way she could tell my family that I was refusing her help... whatever

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