Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My little conehead

I took the boys to be neutered yesterday. Last night I noticed Harry's incision was bleeding. I called my vet and they said if it wasn't gushing out (it wasn't) just to clean it off and bring him in the morning. So I called the Emergency Vet anyway and asked them if they thought I should bring him in.

They said it sounded like it was okay, that is normal for some bleeding, but if I was worried I could bring him in for $120. The lady was very insistent that it sounded okay, but I could if I wanted to "waste" my money. So I didn't end up bringing him in. I woke up at 7 am and forced put them into the carrier and went down to the vet and asked if it was okay. They said he had licked or bitten his incision. So they closed it and put some pain meds and antibiotic cream on it and gave me a cone.

poor thing was walking around my room when I got home banging into stuff and walking backwards. I felt bad but I couldn't help but laugh a few times. He seems okay now and is sleeping. I can probably take it off tomorrow.

Here is a picture of Harry with his Elizabethan Collar...


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